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Approved Minutes 3/14/2013
Salem Conservation Commission
Minutes of Meeting

Date and Time:  Thursday, March 14, 2013, 6:00 p.m.
Meeting Location:       Third Floor Conference Room, City Hall Annex, 120 Washington Street
Members Present:        Chair Julia Knisel, Dan Ricciarelli, Gregory St. Louis, Michael Blier, David Pabich, Bart Hoskins
Members Absent: Amy Hamilton
Others Present: Tom Devine, Conservation Agent
Recorder:       Stacy Kilb

Chair Knisel calls the meeting to order at 6:00PM.

Old/New Business

  • Strongwater Crossing (Osborne Hills) Subdivision, DEP #64-418: Discussion of wetlands crossings
Table A: Resource Area Impacts Osborne Hills Subdivision Salem, MA 2004 vs. proposed

Mr. Chris Mello of Eastern Land Survey presents the plan outlining the alteration of two wetland areas from the original 2004 Order of Conditions.  They located the original Notice of Intent and reviewed the minutes from those meetings.

He passes out a table outlining the alteration of Bordering Vegetated Wetland and Proposed Replication from 2004 and as proposed today. Most discussion in 2004 was regarding the two bridges. They are asking to change two of the bridges to bring them to 4,300 square feet of alteration, replicating 11,450 square feet, a three to one ratio that they can do onsite.

They would like to amend the order of conditions, which would include a public hearing and review of more stormwater information.  Bridges seemed like a good idea in 2004, but with the economy now, they are not particularly feasible.

Pabich does not see an issue, provided adequate information is presented. He feels the proposed alteration looks deceptive since the proposed is 4,300 square feet, but if the isolated land subject to flooding is omitted, it is less. Mr. Mello will come back with plans for two crossings plus plans for replication of 11,000+ square feet if this is approved. Replications are proposed on open space, as lots are 7,000-10,000 square feet in a cluster development.

Ricciarelli comments that as long as the volume is there, it’s a construction issue. St. Louis asks about a vernal pool mentioned in past minutes; Mr. Mello will review the new natural heritage maps, but they don’t show a vernal pool. There are clearly defined wetlands which he describes. Do any Army Corps permits need to be revised? Mr. Mello does not expect that.

Mr. Mello will put together a request to amend the order of conditions and appear before the Commission in the near future.

  • 14 Hubon Street Pier, DEP #64-524: Request for certificate of compliance
Illustrations: 2 photos

Luke Fabbri from Colliam LLC is requesting a Certificate of Compliance for a dock on the property. The Order of Conditions was for a dock, and there were some changes. A neighbor requested that the dock be moved away from him. It was to be T shaped, but under the Chapter 91 license, they made a small change, so now it is L shaped. Another change was a float which was going to be 6 x 20’ but is actually 6 x16’, with the distance made up by making the gangway 24’ instead of 20’. They were also supposed to put in wood piles but could not get the barge under the bridge, and helical pile could not get under, so instead they used 3” galvanized steel driven into the mud 5’.  The dock was fine over the winter, though the cove iced up. It was put in at the end of the summer.

The Chapter 91 permit does not reflect the change in piles but the as built will. Dave Slagle of DEP Waterways was consulted, and he did not have a problem, so the as built will be filed with galvanized posts. It is Mr. Fabbri’s responsibility to maintain it.  The original proposal listed 6” timber piles. There were few options that would allow it to be built that way. Piles had to be driven in by hand.

St. Louis asks about legs coming down and Mr. Fabbri illustrates using his photos.

A motion to issue the Certificate of Compliance is made by Pabich, seconded by Blier, and passes unanimously. This decision is hereby made a part of these minutes.

  • Selection of Commissioner to represent Conservation Commission on Salem’s Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment Stakeholder’s Group
Knisel has worked on this topic and can do it during her working hours. It would be considered CZM’s technical assistance to the community. Meetings would be in Salem.

Pabich motions to nominate Julia Knisel, is seconded by Hoskins, and the motion passes unanimously.

  • Discussion and vote regarding funding for Chadwick Lead Mills Registry of Deeds recording fee
The fee is $75 to register the deed. This would be the Conservation Commission’s share of a $1.6 million project. There are multiple deeds to record, which could cost up to $300 or $400. St. Louis asks if they can approve $75 per document. It can be done that way, or the Commission can set an upper limit.

A motion to approve up to $500 for recording fees is made by St. Louis, seconded by Hoskins and all approve.

  • Meeting Minutes—February 14, 2013
Chair Knisel notes minor corrections. A motion to approve the minutes as corrected is made by Ricciarelli, seconded by Pabich, and passes unanimously.


Devine included in packets information regarding proposed Wetlands regulations reform. The implementation date is unknown. He plans to attend a public hearing on the matter.

Devine received the Notice of Intent for development of the former Salem Oil and Grease, to be presented at the next meeting. The site is on the North River. Resource delineation had been appealed. Historic mill complex and man made canal definitions were added to the Wetlands Protection Act update.

The outcome in this case was that a line was drawn in the middle of property, with half exempted due to being a historic mill, while all else was treated as degraded riverfront area. The line cuts through where they want to build. It was a negotiated settlement between the applicant and DEP. Ricciarelli thinks the mill should be restored in general, and not replaced with a new building. The mill definition needs to be clarified, since it has led to various conflicting interpretations.

A motion to adjourn is made by Pabich, seconded by Ricciarelli and passes unanimously.

The meeting ends at 6:30PM.

Respectfully Submitted,

Stacy Kilb
Clerk, Salem Conservation Commission

Approved by the Conservation Commission on April 25, 2013